Plant Disease Clinic

The Plant Disease Clinic is a service lab to Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) offices and provides diagnosis of plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and other plant pathogens, as well as diagnosis of abiotic problems and identification of non-weedy plants. 

Both physical and/or digital samples may be submitted through your local VCE office. A VCE agent or staff member can provide assistance with proper sample submission.  More information about submitting the proper sample can be found by visiting the Plant/Insect ID Lab Page under Horticulture, Agriculture & Natural Resources.

Effective October 1, 2021, there is a $35.00 fee for submitting samples to the Plant Disease Clinic. 

How to Make a Payment for Sample Submission to the Virginia Tech Plant Disease Clinic 

  1. Access the York County/Poquoson Virginia Cooperative Extension Office Destiny One Payment website with the following url:
  2. If this is the first time you have paid for a sample in Destiny One, you will have to create an account. If you already have an account, skip to Step 3.
  3. Follow the directions on the Destiny One payment page to complete your payment.
  4. When you have completed your payment print a hard or digital copy of the payment receipt. A payment receipt must be included with a digital or physical submission.  Bring the payment receipt to the York/Poquoson VCE office along with the physical submission.  If you are only submitting a digital sample, you may email them all to

Note: If you are unable or do not wish to pay by credit card via the Destiny One Payment website, you may pay by check or cash at the York County/Poquoson Virginia Cooperative Extension Office. The Plant Disease Clinic will not accept check or cash for payment.