2025 York/Poquoson 4-H Junior Summer Camp is scheduled for Monday, August 4- Friday, August 8

Camp Overview

Junior 4-H Summer Camp is a week-long, over-night residential summer camp program available to residents of York County and the City of Poquoson ages 9 to 13. Camp is held every year at the Jamestown 4-H Educational Center in Williamsburg, VA.

Please note that the York/Poquoson Extension Office is in charge of planning for and processing registration for our week of 4-H Summer Camp. Jamestown 4-H Center is the facility we use during the week for camp programming. Registration and/or questions regarding York/Poquoson's 4-H Summer Camp should be directed to the York/Poquoson Extension office at 757-890-4940, not Jamestown 4-H Educational Center.

Camp Benefits

4-H camp provides countless opportunities for youth to learn more about themselves, their peers, and the natural world around them in an unplugged camp setting. Days are filled with camp classes, unstructured recreation and swim time, flag ceremonies, evening programs, and campfires. Our main focus during camp is to help youth develop independence, self-esteem, confidence, interpersonal skills, and other life skills.

Our staff specializes in different program areas based on interest, experience, and certifications. Our programs include Boating—kayaking, canoeing, and stand-up paddle boarding on the James River; Swimming—recreational and instructional swimming at the pool; Shooting Education—rifles and archery; Nature—forestry, fishing, outdoor living skills, ecologies; Creative Arts—arts and crafts, dance, guitar, photography and STEAM; Athletics—field sports, court sports, biking; Outdoor Living Skills—wilderness survival skills, map and compass, orienteering, outdoor cooking; Teambuilding—conflict resolution, character counts, low ropes adventure course. 

Camp Registration will open at 6am on April 25th, 2025.

A registration link will be posted here at that time: https://www.yorkcounty.gov/952/Junior-Summer-Camp


The classes and evening activities offered at camp vary from year to year. Youth will select the classes that they are most interested in on the first day of camp. Example classes include:

  • Air rifle
  • Archery
  • Art and crafts
  • Basket Weaving
  • Camp nutrition
  • Canoeing
  • Fishing
  • Guitar
  • Happy Feet
  • Kayaking
  • Low ropes course
  • Maker
  • Marine science
  • Outdoor living skills
  • Swimming
  • Videography
  • Water polo

Activities Offered

Evening activities may include:

  • Carnival games
  • Outdoor games
  • Pool party
  • Talent show
  • Campfires

We try to make sure there is something for everyone at camp!

Camper Cost- $380

Camper with Adult Volunteer (who stays through the week)- $190

Teen Counselors- $190

Campers must be 9 years old by September 30th of the camp year. Teens who are 14 can serve as Counselors-in-Training (CIT) during camp, and teens ages 15-18 can serve as Teen Camp Counselors (after application process and required training). Please note, counselors who are 18 years old are required to have a background check.

Applications for CIT and Counselors have closed for the 2024 Junior Camp.

No refunds.

Adult Volunteers help us provide a safe, supportive, and fun environment for our campers. Serving as an Adult Volunteer is an incredibly rewarding and fun experience. Adult volunteers serve as caring adults for the campers, and have the opportunity to experience many of the camp classes and activities.

Adult Volunteers camp for free, and volunteers who stay all four nights of camp receive a discount and a guaranteed spot for their camper, if they have a youth attending camp. If you are interested, give us a call at 757-890-4940. Background Checks required.